Tuesday, August 29, 2006

no longer a student.

I have successfully defended my master's thesis. It may have had something to do with the muffins I made for my audience? Perhaps they were so satiated that they couldn't do anything but enjoy my presentation. Or perhaps my academic work was simply stunning. I would suggest that it is probably neither of the above...but it is pretty freakin' exciting. The actual event was sort of fun (call me sadistic) and we followed the event with thai food(myself, my advisor, my future boss, and my dad). My dad rocks--and my mom and my stepdad went hiking with me the day before. So this has, most certainly, been a communal effort.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Additional beach pictures from Duck, NC.

I just spent the week before my defense at the beach, yes, at the beach. Above you see us in the hottub with an umbrella on a rainy day. Why would we need an umbrella in a hottub, you ask? Well, perhaps to keep the noxious hottub chemicals from diluting themselves and not killing our resident bacteria.
This is my first blog ever: