Monday, September 04, 2006

box turtles.

This weekend I camped on Sat. night with my dear friends Rebekah and Paul. Not only did we find some snake eggs (I believe they were snake eggs...they were oblong and rubbery and partially buried) but on Sunday morning, I spotted a box turtle in the field. I picked him up and took him to show Rebekah and Paul--which was, quite possibly, the most exciting thing to happen to him in decades. He was a brave one, however, and interspersed with tightly closing his shell, he would paddle furiously to escape my grasp around his middle. He had small beady red eyes which eventually conveyed the subliminal message: "let me go, crazy mammal!" I eventually let him go. After I had selfishly entertained myself for ten minutes or so.
(possible picture to follow if Bekah and Paul send it to me)

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