Friday, January 26, 2007

not just an Indian summer.

That's right, it's back to summertime in Brazil. Some of you requested that I let you know by blog that I had made a safe here it is. I have already killed a cockroach and had to wash many things in my room which had grown a healthy shade of green mold in my absence. All of my stuff is still in my apartment...and I found a puppy in my backyard this morning! (I think he belongs to my landlord....but I am thinking about volunteering to take him on walks and such...). Next on the agenda is to actually touch base with my landlord about the permanence (or not) of my housing situation. A conversation with my former housemate at lunch boded well, however; she says that someone else is planning to move in. Better to get it straight from the horse's mouth before I breath a sigh of complete relief, I think. I'll keep you 'posted'.


Wild Aurora Moldovanyi said...

you might be enjoying the brazilian summer but there ain't nothin like autumn in appalachia... can't wait to see you sometime during the next one... right?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.