Monday, September 25, 2006

the blended family bids adieu

My Aunts Lori and Anne threw me a delightful reception in honor of my impending departure for Brazil. That makes it sound like it's a demise or something ominous. I really just mean to say that it is the eve of my departure. It is about to happen.

Below: my cousin beth and I discuss the potential shortcomings of Christa's wedding photos. Despite this, she and Brandon both manage to look simply stunning and deliriously happy.

Part of the Bittinger contingent--from left to right: Grandad Emmert, Aunt Lori, my mother, (me), Grandma Esther

For a wiry man he gives good strong hugs.

Grandad Bowman and his only blonde-haired, blue-eyed granddaughter. It's ok, they love me even if I might have been dropped off by a stork.

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