Monday, October 02, 2006

Colocando os pés na terra da FLONA Tapajós

On Friday, I had the opportunity to visit several communities from which the data for my master's research were collected. Below, you see our mode of transportation from our bigger boat to the riverbank.....
Ailton, my guide from the IPAM office in Santarém, enjoyed telling the households we visited with that this was my opportunity to "colocar os pés na terra" (get my feet on the ground) and to not just work with numbers, And, indeed, it was.

Here, you see the beaches of the Tapajós river during the dry season.....

And, below---well, self explanatory. They killed it because, well, it is poisonous (supposedly). They were quite proud of the number they did on it.

It was our good luck that brought us upon this family that was fishing on the way to our third village--we subsequently offered to pay them for the fish and we feasted on them for lunch. Below, you see me (unsuccessfully) trying to extricate a very spiny fish from a net.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you were on a boat and not in that plane! I was worried!!!

Anonymous said...

Kewl....Bothrops maybe? Or just another Rat Snake guilty of wanting to look like the real thing? Hope you looked at the head...

Greg said...

What kind of fish were they Maria? I enjoy your postings as well so my life is so bland in North Carolina.