Thursday, November 16, 2006


Avocados here are delightful, and twice the size of the ones in the states:

Do not be fooled. The fruit below may appear to be pear-like, but it is a Goiaba, or Guava. It is one of the most delightful fruits ever, at least in my humble opinion. There are red and white varieties in the grocery store here, and they are both fantastic. The red variety provides for a lovely aesthetic experience while munching, but the white is tastier, I think. I especially like the crunchy seeds surrounded by sweet inner core of goodnes, with a tart, granny-smith-like exterior 'mantle'. If you do not already feel good about Guavas, note that they are high in fiber and in Vitamin C!

The tomatoes here, however, do not hold a candle to the tomatoes we get in VA. Even the less-than-ripe, character-less ones you get in the Kroger or the Food Lion. Sorry, Brazil.


Anonymous said...

LOVE THE FLAG AND EARRING! Your blog is very entertaining - and I love seeing pictures of you!

Maria Susannah Bowman said...

That's right--you didn't know how much of my life you had a part in, even in Brazil, did you? Love you, C. Can't wait to see you at dinner on the 16th!!!!