Friday, March 21, 2008

Carabiner's, the climbing gym.

I hadn't been back on the cape for very long in January when one of my officemates, Tracy, invited me to go to the climbing gym with her. I was quite sure it had been probably 4 years since I had been in a harness--indoor or out. I didn't get the sense that Tracy was inviting me along to show me up or humiliate me--so we made an exploratory venture to "Carabiner's," the climbing gym in New Bedford, MA.

Tracy's been much more of a regular climber in her lifetime than I, and is definitely more hardcore. Nonetheless, we've been going between 1 and 3 times per week when we are both here, and enjoy the hell out of it every time. Tracy is fantastic company and a great climbing partner--and it's truly one of the best ways to get out of my (one's?) head that I've found. My body enjoys the challenge, too.

1 comment:

Boof said...

Hell yes. That's what I like about climbing, particularly outdoors; while you are at it, the only thought in your mind is DON'T FALL! Since this thought occupies your mind fully, it ends up being relaxing.