Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Moving to Brazil--take two.

After a very restful night in the Radisson in......Alexandria, I am again preparing to head to the airport. I'm sure there is a valid psychological phenomenon that describes the aftermath of building excitement to an event which does not my case, this can be attributed to the concern of American Airlines for the 'safety' of their pilots, namely, for keeping their pilot's seats fully operational and comfortable. We wouldn't want faulty springs in a pilot's seat to cause him to flip over backwards while landing an aircraft, now would we? Visualize it. Yes...yes...."pilot falling out of his seat botches aircraft landing." Maria breathes sigh of relief. That could have been me on that plane. Thank you, American Airlines, for your concern for my saftey. Thank you.

On a serious note, I did enjoy a bath, a couple of lovely phone calls and some mediocre food. And, the first 15 minutes of 'nacho libre' which was delightful....until my exhaustion got the better of me.

For those of you who don't have piercings, they are second-best only to being a smoker for conversation starting purposes. Take note. When I decided to get a piercing, I did not anticipate this rather useful and unanticipated benefit.

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