Friday, October 06, 2006


This week I have been participating in the LBA-ECO conference in Brasilia, Brasil. I have been staying with my friend Jennifer, which has vastly improved upon the alternative of staying in a hotel room by oneself.

My presentation took place this morning, and was very well received by the somewhat intimidating group of academic colleagues that were also presenting in my section. I have many reflections about the international research community, but I think it pretty much suffices to say that we are a group of rather odd birds. Some painful presentations that lacked cohesion, some stellar presentations that really make you want to be an academic, and everything in between.

The most important message to take from this posting is that you should rest assured that even though the glaciers may be melting, the oceans warming, and the climate changing, there is a very dedicated group of researchers that are working on saving you from yourselves, at least if you live in Brazil. Since we all know that deforestation in Brazil is the single most important factor responsible for sending the world into a downward spiral ;)

1 comment:

Greg said...

Alas, all the conferences I go to have the same theme.